.she is.

Though she is a material girl, she is also a plain jane. She may be a party animal. But all she wants, is to be loved and cared.


When you hesitate...
Sometimes people take things for granted, thinking that it will always be there. And you hesitate and hesitate, and don't know what to do about it. You though it is still there, but one day, you came to a startling realisation that... it is no longer there anymore. Lost it.

I have tried, and then hesitated. And now it is gone. The end.

Yesterday Biu Kor threw a birthday party at Loof. It was a damn funny night. We played the "milk game", and it is 100X more exciting than the normal 5-10 game.

The birthday boys


So disgusting! *Cringes* There is another picture of them with their hands on the hips, but this is the ultimate.

I have been working close to a month now, and still, I have not found a topic of interest. I am still very much interested in drugs-related studies. HOW? Have I joined the wrong lab?

Recently I have been feeling the pressure to choose something. The pressure is not from boss or whoever, it is from me. Unlike other ROs, I have been given the privilege to choose something I want to do (all the other ROs who came in around my period were assigned by boss). He wants me to choose, so I can do it for my PhD as well. And precisely because of this opportunity, I feel pressurised to choose.

Well, I suddenly feel like going back to study next year.