.she is.

Though she is a material girl, she is also a plain jane. She may be a party animal. But all she wants, is to be loved and cared.


Random Rantings
I am going to start work of friday. I hate to start work on the last day of the week. It just seems kinda strange and 'uncomfortable'.

Soda Green's concert on saturday, courtesy of my sister. She can't make it for the concert, so she gave me the ticket. Which means I cannot go for alumni party.

Craving for Korea fried chicken! 치킨 정말 먹고 싶다!

I was randomly surfing through facebook and found 179 Ah Lian Bee Hoon group. hahahahahahaA~ Every NTU student (at least those who stays in Hall) knows about the ah lian bee hoon. Got website one hor! (set up by some NTU students doing delivery from the store) I miss the bee hoon, but I can always get it easily since I am staying so near.
Check it out -> 179 Ah Lian Bee Hoon

I miss hanging out with my jiejie and biukor for beauty desserts.

I want to do scrap booking, but the timing of the classes don't fit my schedule. I want to get the book on how to use photoshop. I want to get a cam with manual functions. I want to buy Holga and fish eye lens. Me want dSLR.

I just need to...photoshop my convo pictures and blog.