.she is.

Though she is a material girl, she is also a plain jane. She may be a party animal. But all she wants, is to be loved and cared.


Job Found but...
Yesterday went to IMCB for interview. She looked at my transcript and said I should be awarded uppers instead. Yeah, should have been an upper. But life is just unfair sometimes. In this field, an upper and lower makes a HUGE difference, in terms of pay, employment opportunities, chance of further studies.

Anyway, there are so many applicants and they are hiring only one. I may have a good chance at it, but still... And there is the issue of further studies. As it is more like a company selling products, there is no chance for PhD studies in this lab.

SBIC offered me the position. But I am not keen on trying to mingle with 20 people. Most of them are research fellows though, so I doubt I need to really be friend-friend with them. And also, it is not of my research interest. But I guess interests will change, and it can be discovered. Most importantly is that I am able to continue studies, can go further with this lab. Prof does not mind training fresh grads, and there is really a lot you can learn from his lab.

Sounds good huh? So why am I still undecided? Yah, maybe I should just stay and endure for these 1 or 2 years. There are reasons to why I am holding back. But I guess it is a good opportunity and I should grab it.