.she is.

Though she is a material girl, she is also a plain jane. She may be a party animal. But all she wants, is to be loved and cared.


Busy Week
Monday: Raffles Place - to go to recruitment agency
Tuesday: Biopolis - interview at SBIC
Wednesday: Biopolis - interview at IMCB
Friday: Changi Aloha - UOC BBQ; regular Phuture Friday night

2 consecutive interviews at the same place. When job offers don't come, they don't come at all. The moment they come, they come all together.

Today I went to SBIC. I was really wow-ed at the labs. I met this really kind lady from the probes lab. Initially she thought I might be interviewing for her lab. But it turned out to be the metabolics lab. The metabolics lab has 20 people. Prof is a very nice person, so are the people in his lab. Despite such a large group, prof's lab is still expanding (that's why he is hiring).

Prof let us (the candidates) talk to the people in his lab, so as to understand the lab more. Some how after talking to them, although I am very keen to start my reserach career, I had a kind of "phobia" feeling. As in, I feel not quite ready to join a lab, moreover such a huge lab.

Well, 1 more interview to go. Hopefully both turn out well.