.she is.

Though she is a material girl, she is also a plain jane. She may be a party animal. But all she wants, is to be loved and cared.


A Bad Lot
Tuesday a lady from IMRE (Institute of Materials Research and Engineering) called, and simply ask me to print out and fill in the application form for research, bring the form and my certificates down to IMRE today.

She didn't mention it would be an interview. Lucky thing I figured out it would be, or rather I just played safe. Well, interview was good. Project leaders are very nice people. I think they are abit intrigued by the fact that I applied to Institute of Microelectronics as well (since I am a science grad).

EVERYBODY, PRAY FOR ME THAT I GET THE JOB! (Although it means another 2 years of yucky NTU food).

Since I took the car out today, I might as well go town. I had been wanting to go the Si Ma Lu Temple, so I made a trip down. I pray for a lot the first time in my life. Not very sure of the procedures, but anyway I managed to get a lot very quickly.

Turn out to be a really bad lot. For you information, I asked about career. Well, basically it is bad because it says I cannot venture into another area. I must stay put at where I am now. I cannot go overseas because mishap will happen.

I was abit shock when I heard the overseas part. Basically, I cannot understand the chinese part, so I read the short English translation, which only say it is bad, very bad, and very bad. So I got the lot read by one of the uncles. So he suddenly mentioned I cannot go overseas, the thing that came to my mind immediately was the SIA thing.

Actually, I see it from a more positive light. I see that I have choosen the right path to stay in the research field. Uncle also said that if I meet the person that will help me (gui ren), it will be good. Sometimes I wondered were Ah Loo and Irene the "gui ren". Because I initially procastinated and did not send in my application. Until the second time the email came around, I took it up. Had the email not came second time, I would really be jobless, or rather, no opportunity of employment.